søndag den 26. december 2010


What defines a hero?

I was provoked today, I often am – I know, I’m a grumpy old sob :-\

Today I saw a booklet with "Hero's", all of which was footballers.

They aren’t heroes! 

Are they?

An over payed, (bad language), praying on naive spectators desire for entertainment, and supported by companies, who takes money off my pocket to pay for it?

Does that make a hero?

I resent that!

They are NOT heroes, at best stars in some people’s eyes they might be, from my point of view simple hustlers - but never ever heroes.

Being a hero in my book is someone striving to achieve a higher goal altruistically, with no regard for own richness, and / or safety.

It could be the "friend"
People who sacrifice their own well being to help a friend, or even a complete stranger, who is in a difficult, or dangerous situation, physically, or mental.

It could be the "wanderer".
People who, in search of life’s true meaning, travels the world, to find other ways of life, cultures, traditions, lives in isolation for days and wonder what’s behind the next hill, round the next corner, and in gimp’s have the goodness of sharing their thoughts and findings with the rest of us.

There is a lot of different types besides the above mentioned, and all too often we (Danes) do not appreciate their effort, and thank these real heroes.

Portraying a person who lives a sweet life, and enjoy his or her hobby on a professional basis, a hero, devalues the term in a fashion, which is a disgrace to real heroes, people whom in dire straits risk their life to help or save others.

To all you real heroes out there...
Thank you!

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